October 23, 2017

DIY Voodoo Doll Costume

The oldest decided to be a voodoo doll for Halloween this year.

To create your own costume:
You'll need black and red felt, scissors, black pipe cleaners, large pom poms, a hot glue gun, glue sticks, a needle, black thread, a tan dress, and an exacto knife (optional).

1.  Fold a piece of red felt in half and cut a teardrop shape.
2.  Unfold piece to a heart shape. Trim if necessary.
3.  Cut out a second heart shape.
4.  Use an exacto knife or scissors to make a small slit in one of the heart pieces.
5.  Make another slit or two.
6.  Cut pipe cleaners in half.
7.  Glue pom poms to one end of the pipe cleaners to create "pins".
8.  Slide the pins into the slits.
9.  Lay the other heart shape under the slit one. Glue the pins to the bottom heart.
10.  Glue the heart pieces together.
11.  Your heart piece is complete.
12.  Cut "stitches" out of black felt.

Use black thread to stitch the heart and stitches to the tan dress. Use makeup to add stitches to your face.
